The Opening of the Heart
Life’s journeys can be amazingly transformative, filled with significant challenges, events which carry with them pain and grief, joy and laughter. They are often periods of tremendous growth, awakening, new learning, healing and ultimately, personal transformation. I have faith in guidance and intuition, to listen closely when called, and to follow paths set before me. Preparation for the adventures of my wisdom years took twenty years of studying and working with energy healing in order to be ready to face difficulties and reap benefits. The gifts are bountiful.
This initial blog entry is the account of what I refer to as The Opening of the Heart. It is a deep healing experienced as an energetic shift that spontaneously occurred on all levels - emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually. This abundant gift of understanding where vulnerability, transparency, compassion, intuition, perseverance and resiliency fit together now provides the framework, as a life coach and energy healing practitioner, for helping others heal their own wounds, transform, and create the joyful lives they deserve to live, in the fullness of who they were always meant to be.
The Opening of the Heart
It is a day that will become memorable for me. It is late afternoon and I am sitting at my kitchen table, gazing out at the garden, having a cup of tea and writing in my journal. The house is quiet. Health and wellness being foremost in my mind.
Out of the corner of my left eye I see a silver lightning bolt, and then I feel its jagged edges sear across my chest, just slightly left of center about six inches from my body. The light brightens and expands, and it feels as if it is pulling at my heart. The pressure continues to grow and I am aware of the sound of something crackling. I gaze down in front of my chest and see the light of energy sparkling and dancing in rapid motion as the energetic field around my heart expands. The remnants of entrenched heartache sets in, and with it tears spontaneously begin to flow. My body is flooded with a deep cold that permeates every cell. I allow the tears to stream gently down my face, knowing they are a result of the release of old wounds that are thawing and flowing out of their crystalline state and into the warmth of healing energy.
The soft tears and the cold energy move through me continually until four days later the sensations subside. It will be another three weeks before the intermittent tears and cold energy eventually dissipate and my system comes back into balance. This will be the time it takes for those wounds of the soul, embedded in the heart center to move through the energetic field, and be freed once and for all as they merge with the divine within. It also takes time for a new light vibration to fill the heart space that has been vacated by the shadows. With it comes a profound sense of love, compassion and peace.
As the heart moves toward healing, an adventure is really just beginning. This new experience will transform me in ways I could not have begun to imagine, and will move me far beyond anything I have ever known in my work and involvement with the healing power of energy.