Soul Collage Card Manifestation
As the new year dawned, close to the stroke of midnight, I sat down with pen and paper and a cup of tea, to celebrate the end of one year and to set my intentions for another adventure. This year, writing down the intentions that came to mind for how I want to move forward led me to my word for the new year, “Manifestation”.
Already the thoughts are swirling as I contemplate how to use this new word, the best manner in which to access its power, and the means by which to consciously engage with it on a daily basis so that it supports me in reaching the growth potential that “Manifestation” brings with it. Words carry energy and I desire to use that energy in the most compassionate and productive way possible! This word carries with it the gifts of possibility; building a vibrant coaching/healing practice to help others on their journey, creating a joyful and abundant personal life, one rich in relationships and experiences, and allowing myself to grow lovingly into my own magnificence, the best version of me I can become.
To that end, I recognized that there are activities and exercises I can do to bring the energy of the word into living vitality, breathing it into the core of my being and joyfully playing with its strength. “Manifestation” and I will become fast friends, but it is a relationship, like any other, that requires nurturing.
Many of my friends also select a word for the year.. If you do not have a word yet, I encourage you to ask of yourself, what you want for this new year? Is there a word, or perhaps two, that can describe your intention? Your word can act as a guide, one who also keeps you grounded to a desired outcome, and consistently calls on you to remember why you choose it, to focus attention on thoughts and behaviors that encourage your word to show up with you in interactions with your world and all those who are in it. Your word can walk with you, and propel you forward, as you stretch to be and accomplish all your heart desires.
So, in the spirit of having fun with getting to know “Manifestation”, I am engaging in activities that put us in partnership as we become better acquainted.
Take your word and see how it connects to your intentions. You can do so as I did by writing down your intentions for this new year and, through this process, discover the word that best resonates with them. Alternatively, write down your word and create a list of intentions that naturally flow from it onto the paper. Reviewing the list, and even updating it periodically, may provide unsuspected insights.
Create a mantra or affirmation with your word. This can be a sentence, or phrase, something you can read aloud to yourself every day. It will help you connect with why this word is important to your life and your sense of well-being. It will have the capacity to propel you forward as a reminder of how and why it holds your hand as you venture forth. It becomes an accountability partner. I like to post my affirmation on the bathroom mirror or the refrigerator, places I can allow the visual to vibrantly speak to me. Mine is also articulated with a SoulCollage card, but you can dress yours up any way that feels right to you. “Fullfilled dreams, new opportunities, a heart-centered business, personal growth, abundance, unsuspected adventures and joy all flow and sing with me as doors open. I welcome manifestation. into my life.”
Make a collage, or vision board, around the concept of your word. Allow images and related language to flow into the playground of your word. It will welcome friends, and the connectedness with these companions will enrich its ability to bring you deeper messages.
Give your intention an aromatic reminder. As an aromatherapist, one of the first things I did was to create a blend of essential oils for my word and place them in an inhaler. Using this inhaler every day reminds me that I want to continue to walk side by side with “Manifestation” as we explore together what this new year has to hold. I knew that for my blend I needed an oil that was uplifting, but also one that was balanced by a grounding oil. My intuition led me immediately to a combination of Litsea, a citrusy oil with mood elevating, antibacterial and antioxidant properties and Black Spruce, one supportive of the respiratory system. It seems the perfect combination. Litsea is known as an oil that dispels limiting beliefs or blocked potential, and can tap one into creativity, receptivity, abundance and joy. It is an oil of manifestation. Black Spruce, long used by indigenous cultures, is antispasmodic and physically relaxing, it is also mentally balancing and calming, encouraging a focused mind.
Create a ritual with your word and give your ritual a name. I call my ritual Evening Calm. This is how I like to end my day. As I enjoy a cup of tea, light a candle, softly play some music and take a few deep breaths, I reflect on what the day has held. I write in my journal at least three great things that have happened. Sometimes they are gratitudes and sometimes they are descriptions of fleeting moments in time; a smile exchanged, laughter, the beauty of nature that spoke a message, the joy in talking to a friend. I let go of judgement, breathe deeply, and focus on my word and what it brought me today, or perhaps on where it wants to go tomorrow. I find something to appreciate connected with my word and I thank it for being present with me. This is a beautiful way to relax with yourself, a form of self-care. It also allows the intentions set with your word to blossom. These few moments before going to bed support me in stepping into that calm presence and peace that dwells somewhere in each of us.