Soul Collage Card Valiant Warrior
Valiant Warrior, 2017
Poised for the battle, Rising to meet a challenge, She bravely goes forth.
My massage therapist worked diligently to untangle a challenging spot in my left shoulder. She asked me, “How old were you when your marriage ended?” I reply, “I was 33.” She says, “Half a lifetime ago. Did you clad yourself in armor?” I ask her what she means, and she motions to her own body to demonstrate, running her hands from her breasts to her hips, “You know, as in dressed in metal.” I tell her, “Yes, I believe I did.” She says that what is lodged in my shoulder energetically feels metallic, like armor. She works on it until it gives way and releases. She asks me about it and I tell her that I think the armor was perhaps the only way I knew to stay safe. I share with her that ten months ago, I worked with a Healing Touch Practitioner and she too found armor., but in the sacral area. In that session, the healer worked to take down the shield that energetically held the armor in place. It was necessary to fill it with holes, allow the light to expand the holes and permit the armor to disintegrate. I could see it internally as the work occurred, and added my energy to support its release.
I created this SoulCollage Card not knowing at the time what it meant. It now rings true as to why it came into being. With SoulCollage, I find this is often the case. Cards are created and their messages wait until the time is right to show us that somewhere in the depth of subconscious awareness there exists a glimmer of the future. A nudge to let us know that something is coming, if we pay attention. Perhaps, the foreshadowing helps us stand strong as we engage with what it is life throws at us.
There are only two images on this card, that of the Chinese Army, from a National Geographic magazine, and Joan of Arc, from an art history text book. I wonder now if the images are not reflective of COVID-19 marching forth from China into the world, and my own challenges during this period of isolation. My path of stepping into the role of warrior woman, fighting to understand and make sense of radical change and personal growth during a time of uncertainty.